
An Assessment of Self Help Groups with a Keystone of Microfinance in a Strongest State North East of India

Extending microfinance services through SHGs
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This study assesses the growth of SHG-microfinance linkage programs in North East India, particularly in the state of Assam.

The study focuses on two programs, namely, SHG-bank Linkage Program (SBLP) and Swarnajoyanti Gram Swarajgar Yojona (SGSY). It makes inter-state comparisons of progress of the programs in the North Eastern states, and inter-district comparisons in Assam. The study is based on data from secondary sources.

The study reveals that microfinance through SHGs is an important tool for socio-economic empowerment of the poor, particularly women. Findings include:

  • Number of bank branches and number of registered NGOs have positive impact on growth of SHGs;
  • Government should promote NGOs interested in microfinance;
  • Spread of programs within North East region is skewed with the highest concentration in Assam, and within Assam, in Lower Assam and Central Assam districts;
  • Currently, the region has only microcredit services, and service providers could introduce other elements of microfinance such as insurance, marketing and technical assistance;
  • Quality management of SHGs, greater involvement and orientation of members and incorporation of social security programs in SHG movement are required for sustainability of the programs.

About this Publication

By Roy, S.