
M-Banking Liquidity Management

Designing a liquidity management system for mobile banking agents

This note discusses ways to manage liquidity issues in mobile banking (m-banking).

M-banking works through the use of float accounts. Each agent is required to maintain a balance of electronic money in their agent account. When a customer exchanges cash for e-money, the agent’s e-money balance reduces by the amount of the transaction, and the customer’s e-money value increases. Similarly, when a customer makes a withdrawal, the agent receives e-money and pays out cash, increasing its e-money balance by the amount of the transaction. Ensuring that agents have either e-money or cash when customers require it is the essential challenge of m-banking liquidity management. Emerging lessons demonstrate that this issue can be managed by:

  • Selecting agents who handle large amounts of cash;
  • Selecting multiple agents in a given location;
  • Selecting agents with multiple outlets;
  • Encouraging electronic payments for business-to-business transactions;
  • Linking to ATM networks;
  • Evolving continuously.

The note also discusses various issues with regard to liquidity management such as using m-banking for microfinance, pricing for liquidity, social payments and managing liquidity during scale up.

About this Publication

By Cracknell, D.