
Microfinance and Income Generation Practice in Energy Sector in Nepal

Promoting renewable energy for sustainable development of rural areas
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This document explores opportunities for improving availability of productive and income generating activities and the health of the rural poor by promoting use of renewable energy.

Given their socioeconomic role, women spend hours in collecting fuelwood and doing other unproductive work. Other problems they face include poor health, lack of awareness, and heavy work burden. The exploitation of renewable energy sources has great potential in Nepal. The government of Nepal has established the Alternative Energy Promotion Center with the objective of energy conservation and sustainable rural development by promoting different renewable energy sources.

The document states that the number of MFIs in the renewable energy sector in South Asia is increasing. It recommends that they target women with programs for income generating activities. Other recommendations include:

  • Facilitation of regional technology and information transfer;
  • Support to increasing skills of policy makers;
  • Support to technology improvement and political will in the region;
  • Expansion of local expertise;
  • Support to trust building and collaboration in the region;
  • Development of long term vision of energy supply network system;
  • Establishment of a regular forum on energy.

About this Publication

By Shrestha, T.