
The Mobile Money for the Unbanked Programme Annual Report 2010

Examining the success of mobile money

This document presents the annual report of the Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) Programme.

The MMU Programme has grown its portfolio of projects and funded themacross Africa, Asia and Latin America. These projects aim to bring mobile money into new markets, reach more unbanked people and offer a wider range of financial services to low income customers. The report:

  • Provides an update on the MMU Fund grantee portfolio, discussing projects and lessons;
  • Applies rules based on Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations to prevent Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (MLTF) through mobile money services;
  • Discusses questions that have been prompted by mobile money regulation;
  • Describes key issues facing operators as they build agent networks;
  • Describes how mobile network operators can design a set of incentives that encourage agents to become active and productive participants in mobile money distribution;
  • Describes how mobile operators can ensure that the agent networks they have built and incentivized are managed effectively.

The report also presents a case study of Zap, a comparative study of True Money and M-PESA and studies of successful mobile money deployments in the Philippines.

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