
The Missing Middle in Agricultural Finance: Relieving the Capital Constraint on Smallholder Groups and Other Agricultural SMEs

Financing small and medium scale agricultural enterprises

This paper examines reasons for the missing middle finance gap in agriculture, and recommends a multi-track approach to resolve it.

The unmet needs for finance of producer associations and other small and medium enterprises in agriculture requiring mid-sized loans constitute the missing middle. Promising initiatives rely on combinations of actors, playing to their respective strengths. To solve the missing middle gap:

  • NGOs with a financial focus can create linkages between financial suppliers, producers and buyers;
  • Multilateral donors can sponsor financial sector reform programs;
  • Donors and international financial institutions have initiated innovative financing mechanisms;
  • Alliances between commercial banks and non-financial distribution networks have been forged;
  • Socially responsible investors have been important in fair trade transaction financing, either directly or in conjunction with banks;
  • Foundations and socially-oriented banks are offering guarantees to encourage commercial bank confidence in agricultural sector profitability;
  • Poverty-focused NGOs have explored possibilities of building capacity in small-scale producer associations and brokering linkages to formal sources of finance.

There is a need to work with the private sector to remove frictions and improve balance between risk, cost and return, in order to achieve scale.

About this Publication

By Doran, A., McFadyen, N. , Vogel, R.