
Beyond Microcredit: The Role of Savings Banks in Microfinance- Experiences from Latin America, Africa and Asia

Recommendations for enabling financial inclusion
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This issue of Perspectives examines the role of World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI) members in improving access to finance and enhancing microfinance activities in the Asia/Pacific, African, and Latin American regions. Savings banks play a leading role in efforts towards financial inclusion. WSBI members are ideally equipped to lead microfinance providers in their home countries because they have:

  • Widespread branch networks and nationwide coverage that makes them easily accessible;
  • Significant outreach among the poorest households in their countries;
  • Relatively low requirements for accessing their services;
  • Enough branch infrastructure and institutional knowledge to achieve economies of scale and provide affordable financial products;
  • Ability to provide a whole range of financial services in a sustainable manner.

The paper summarizes WSBI members' microfinance approach by region. It states that in order to facilitate expansion of access to financial services, microfinance frameworks should:

  • Be tailored to national circumstances;
  • Gear regulations towards activities rather than institutions;
  • Encourage a diversity of players in a market-driven environment;
  • Make regulation proportionate to expected benefits;
  • Remove restrictions to microfinance activities and associated prudential requirements;
  • Encourage linkages between banks, MFIs and other retail outlets.