
Spotlight on Microfinance

Addressing bottlenecks in communication about microfinance
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This document describes the experiences of the consortium Triodos Facet, Valy Agrideveloppement and ARTCOM in promoting the microfinance sector in Madagascar. The association started a project in 2006 that ended in January 2009. The project identified bottlenecks in the communication about microfinance. People had a negative perception about microfinance. The basics of microfinance were not well understood by journalists and the authorities. The study also found that productive investment of agricultural credit would need partnerships between agro-enterprises, farmers, development organizations and financial institutions. The message that microfinance is an instrument to invest in productive activities was communicated to the public using the following communication tools:

  • Glossary and booklets with frequently asked questions;
  • Audio programs in six local languages, TV spots and posters;
  • Brochures explaining advantages of productive partnerships;
  • Press conferences to ensure media coverage.

The project succeeded due to the collective effort of all stakeholders and the complementarities that exist between the different microfinance projects. The Malagasy experience shows that competition improves overall performance of the sector and investment in communication delivers results.

About this Publication

By Triodos Facet, Valy Agrideveloppement and ARTCOM