
AMAP Financial Services Knowledge Generation Project: Final Report

Presenting lessons from the Financial Services Knowledge Generation Project

This report presents an overview of the core research topics, learning objectives and key lessons learned by United Sates Agency for International Development (USAID) and Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) under the Financial Services Knowledge Generation (FSKG) project of the Accelerated Microfinance Advancement Project (AMAP).

USAID awarded one of the FSKG task order contracts under the AMAP to DAI in 2003. USAID and DAI generated knowledge products designed to help move the microfinance field forward in its efforts to extend efficient, sustainable and quality financial services to the poor under this five year task order. Key lessons learned during FSKGP implementation include:

  • Allowing funding flexibility supports demand led research;
  • Linking FSKG funded activities with activities supported by USAID is a cost effective way of achieving USAID results;
  • Commitment to established research agendas enables better research;
  • Receiving USAID support for a knowledge dissemination strategy early on would have increased the outreach and impact of FSKG research;
  • Knowledge management dissemination strategies should be linked to mission activities and interests from project inception;
  • FSKG demonstrated that collaboration between different international development contractors is effective.

About this Publication

By Mitten, L.