
MD Overview: Clients Affected by HIV/AIDS

Role of MFIs in mitigating devastating effects of HIV/AIDS on poor households and communities.
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This article examines the increasing prevalence of HIV/AIDS and the inability of poor households to cope with its economic consequences. It describes the efforts of USAID's Microenterprise Development Office (MD) to get MFIs, AIDS Support Organizations (ASOs) and donors to think more holistically about the economic ramifications of HIV/AIDS. It also intends to generate suggestions on how they could bridge the gaps in prevention, treatment and economic strengthening of affected households and communities. MD's efforts include:

  • Helping MFIs recognize the impact of HIV/AIDS on their clients and explaining the role microfinance can play in mitigating its adverse effects;
  • Improving information flows between MFIs and ASOs to build deeper understanding of each other's competencies and the strategic partnerships they might strike to better address the target segment's needs;
  • Guiding donors and practitioners on development of economic strengthening or health programs to address socio-economic needs of the target population.

Finally, the article highlights USAID's online guide that provides donors and practitioners with guidance and information on microenterprise development in HIV/AIDS prevalent areas.

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