
Planning for Cost Effective Evaluation with Evaluability Assessment

Explaining the steps in an evaluability assessment

This publication states that evaluability assessment (EA) is the first step in planning a useful, cost-effective impact assessment (IA) and helps to gain knowledge of the program, determine the causal model and design the IA. It also helps the evaluation team learn about local resources, logistical issues and potential methodological challenges in the IA implementation. The paper describes the following steps involved in conducting an EA:

  • Locating and verifying the causal model of the program;
  • Reaching an agreement about purpose and intended uses of IA with program staff, sponsoring agency staff and program partners;
  • Evaluating the feasibility of alternative designs;
  • Identifying a local evaluation team.

Finally, an EA can save valuable time and resources by determining whether it makes sense to conduct an IA and gathering preliminary information needed for planning a well-targeted and cost-effective effort.

About this Publication

By Dunn, E.