
Inclusive Financial Systems: Some Design Principles and a Case Study

Discussing design principles essential for financial inclusion
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This paper lays out several principles to be considered when designing inclusive financial systems. These design principles are discussed from the perspective of the provider, client and regulator. They include:

  • Providers of financial services must be able to fully recover all the costs they incur in service provision;
  • Risk in a lending or insurance business should be warehoused by institutions capable of managing them;
  • Institutions that offer retail deposit taking and insurance services must have an adequate amount of financial capital to protect financiers;
  • Point of access of financial services must not be more than an hours walk away from the clients residence;
  • Hours of operation must be convenient to the client;
  • Clients access to financial services must be comprehensive, and they must be able to choose from a range of services;
  • Regulators should care about universality and quality of access, and provider sustainability;
  • Regulators must be outcome-driven and model-neutral.

Finally, the paper discusses ICICI bank as a case study that is consistent with these principles and is designed for maximizing financial inclusion.

About this Publication

By Mor, N. , Ananth, B.