
Decree on the Format and Contents of Reports Submitted to the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Microcredit Organizations and Reporting Deadlines

Law specifying the format of reports on business operations of microcredit organizations
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This Decree stipulates the format and contents of reports on business operations that microcredit organizations (MCOs), microcredit companies (MCCs), and microcredit foundations (MCFs) are obliged to submit to the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBA), and the reporting deadlines. The Decree states that the MCOs submit:

  • Monthly reports on weighted nominal and effective interest rates on microcredits;
  • Quarterly reports that include:
    • The balance sheet;
    • Report on the percentage and manner for forming reserves for the coverage of loan losses;
    • Report on all transactions;
    • Sectoral and term structure of microcredits;
    • Lists of the largest shareholders, the largest investors and the largest sources of financing;
    • The income statement of the MCC;
    • A report on the number an qualification structure of employees.

It also states that:

  • MCOs must submit all amounts;
  • The Director of the FBA prescribes the methodology for preparing reports;
  • MCOs must submit the reports in an appropriate electronic way and must adjust the format to the requirements of the FBA;
  • The MCO must submit the form, MCO-FBA, with the signatures of the President of the Management Board and the MCOs internal auditor;
  • The Decree shall come into effect eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Decree is signed by the President of the Management Board.