
Strategies for Managers Working within Founder's Syndrome Organizations (Emerging Topics Paper Series #7)

Examines activities to address organizational challenges in leader-run social institutions

This paper analyzes causes and effects of founder's syndrome in social purpose organizations. It outlines scenarios for organizational stakeholders to make a "diagnosis." and provides middle managers with simple, effective tools to remove organizational blockages to a long-term mission and sustainability. The paper lists four major founder's syndrome trends:

  • Lack of strategy;
  • Lack of open dialogue;
  • Under-management/micro-management;
  • Loss of staff motivation.

The paper finds some ways to address founder's syndrome.

  • Managers and staff considering taking action should start with a few simple resources and efforts:
    • Capture knowledge: record everything;
    • Create a micro-culture;
    • Build an informal advisory team;
    • Empathize with the founder;
    • Leverage successes.
  • Funders:
    • Should seek out signs of founder's syndrome, and can add real value by encouraging change in these organizations through a venture philanthropy-style approach.
    • Can require middle-management input on major initiatives or projects, earmark funding for staff-wide leadership training and communication workshops, and highlight the contributions of staff and volunteers through their own press efforts.
    • Can intervene with the founder and/or board to suggest improvements to organizational culture and structure.

The paper concludes with the following:

  • Middle managers need to find ways to stay motivated, and to feel they can have a real and lasting impact on the long-term strength of the organization;
  • Middle managers need to use constructive methods for building organizational culture that is robust to the departure of the founder;
  • Inspite of board and founder participation in the change process, managers can still have lasting positive effects on the organization.

About this Publication

By Shortall, J.