
India Microfinance Review 2007

Increasing awareness about the social responsibility of microfinance institutions
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This report presents an overview of the performance of Indian microfinance institutions (MFIs), based on a detailed analysis of their ratings. The report identifies the following developments in the Indian microfinance sector:

  • MFIs have started leveraging their new found management expertise to achieve scale and spread of operations;
  • Leading MFIs have recorded high growth rates of 80% per annum in terms of the number of borrowers, and 40% per annum in terms of portfolio growth;
  • A significant part of the development has been to less developed areas of the country;
  • On the negative side, MFIs have been under attack for their loan recovery processes and high interest rates;
  • This has vitiated the credit culture, forcing the lowering of interest rates and increasing the necessary level of loan loss reserves and provisioning;
  • The spread of MFI operations to non-traditional states has put pressure on operating efficiency, and has slowed the trend to lower unit costs;
  • Banks continue their interest in microfinance, resulting in a highly leveraged industry;
  • Outreach is high, and the Indian MFI industry is among the most efficient in the world;
  • As they are becoming commercialized, MFIs are struggling with mission drift;
  • The challenge for them is to achieve growth with equity as well as efficiency.

The report concludes by highlighting the development of a database of social indicators to assist investors achieve social/ethical goals.

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