
Credit Scoring for Microenterprise Lenders

What role might credit scoring play in the U.S. microlending field?
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This paper discusses credit scoring as a tool for lenders to improve performance and efficiency of their loan programs. It lists out some of the benefits of using credit scoring. These include:

  • Delinquency reduction;
  • Increased consistency in decision-making;
  • Greater clarity in decision process;
  • Improved efficiency in lending process;
  • Implementation of risk based pricing.

The paper further discusses:

  • Correlation between credit bureau scores and repayment;
  • ACCION USA's approach to and experience with credit scoring;
  • Present benefits and future applications of credit scoring;
  • Critical issues in implementing credit scoring.

The paper concludes that credit scoring holds a promise for microlenders seeking to make significant advances in the scale of lending operations.

About this Publication

By Berger, A., Barrers, M., Parsons, L., Klein, J.