
Project Performance Evaluation Report on Rural Microenterprise Finance Project in the Philippines

Evaluation of ADB's Rural Microenterprise Finance Project on performance, effectiveness and impact
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This report is an assessment of the 'Rural Micro-enterprise Finance Project' that was implemented in the Philippines. The report commences with:

  • An outline of the objectives of the evaluation;
  • Process undertaken for the same;
  • The expected results of the implemented project.

It further into the conceptualization and implementation of the project in the following areas:

  • Formulation of the project;
  • Rationale behind framing a project for the ultra-poor in the country;
  • Outlay, funding and executing arrangements;
  • Various changes in the project design during the life of the project;
  • Assessment of expected results under each of the institutional, investment and policy components;
  • Compliance with loan covenants and policy framework.

The document presents a detailed assessment of the performance of the program on the following broad parameters:

  • Relevance of the project when compared with Asian Development Bank's (ADB) country strategy and the local Government's poverty targeting priorities.
  • Effectiveness, based on the following parameters;
    • Client outreach,
    • Savings mobilization,
    • Employment creation,
    • Income,
    • Institutional strengthening,
    • Policy reforms.
  • Efficiency, in terms of the project implementation infrastructure, including executing agencies, participating MFIs, reporting requirements and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Sustainability, demonstrated by attractive financial rates of return on the micro-enterprise, as well as the portfolio quality and the overall financial and operating self sufficiency figures.
  • Other assessment areas, such as the impact on the ultimate borrowers, client case studies, impact on microfinance sub-sector, ADB and borrower performance and effectiveness of the technical assistance provision of the project.

The report concludes with a discussion on the relevant issues and learning, suggestions, and follow-up action points for the project.

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