
Principles and Products of Islamic Finance

This paper explains principles differentiating financial products under Islamic law
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This paper gives an overview of the principles and products of Islamic finance in Indonesia. The paper delineates vision and mission of 'Sharia' banking in Indonesia, asserting that a sound Sharia banking system should be:

  • Competitive, efficient and compliant with prudential practices;
  • Capable of supporting real economic sector;
  • In the spirit of brotherhood and good deeds to promote well-being for all society.

According to the paper, the Islamic finance instruments and products are:

  • Equity oriented;
  • Based on various forms of risks, profit and loss sharing;
  • Provided only to real transactions with underlying assets, excluding speculative investment;
  • Prohibitory of paying or taking of riba, which means interest.

The paper describes two types of Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia.

  • Banking institutions, which fall under the banking law viz:
    • Full-fledged Islamic commercial banks;
    • Islamic banking units of commercial banks;
    • Islamic rural banks.
  • Financial cooperatives, not a part of the formal financial sector, viz:
    • Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT), comprising about 95% of Islamic cooperatives, having a mixed commercial and social objective;
    • Baitul Tamwil Muhamadiyah (BTM), comprising about 5% of Islamic cooperatives, having a more definite commercial orientation.

The paper concludes with a typology of Islamic financial products, listing:

  • Financing products;
  • Deposit products;
  • Insurance products.

About this Publication

By Imady, O. , Seibel, H.