
Open and Distance Learning in Microfinance

Examining the use of information technology for educational activities in microfinance
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This paper was commissioned by the Microcredit Summit Campaign in 2006. This article takes a look at 'Open and Distance Learning' (ODL) with a focus on the practice in developing countries. The article is divided into the following sections:

  • Section 1 presents an overview of the ODL concept examining:
    • Distance learning and the new trends in human resources development;
    • The practice of open and distance learning in developing countries.
  • Section 2 overviews the emergence of ODL in microfinance.
  • Section 3 looks the challenges in the implementation of a Distance Learning model for microfinance institutions (MFIs). These include the need for:
    • Initial investment in learning tools;
    • Innovations in training methodologies;
    • Computer literacy.

The article concludes that:

  • ODL:
    • Among MFIs, is still in its nascent stages;
    • Is the most viable means to increase MFIs' access to both the quantity and the quality of training;
    • Presents an opportunity to move from the culture of "schooling" to one of "learning";
    • Promotes life-long learning, individual responsibility and, ultimately, empowerment.
  • MFIs will start using sophisticated technologies in the field because:
    • They will have to reduce training costs as the industry moves away from donor-led models to commercial models;
    • They will need to expand their recipient base and train more and more disseminated staff;
    • With aggregate demand, prices will tip and ODL will become affordable and commonplace.

About this Publication

By Krumm, D.