
Mozambique Country Brief

What are the necessities for effective decentralization?
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This paper provides details about The UNCDF development programs in Mozambique. The paper discusses the background of the program, including:

  • Goals:
    • To promote innovate approaches in local development;
    • To decentralize planning and financing of local development;
    • To strengthen capacity of the local governments to develop economic and social infrastructure, and improve service delivery.
  • The financing for the programs and contributions from various governments.

The paper also discusses:

  • The current activities and programs conducted by UNCDF in the country.
  • Past activities of UNCDF in Mozambique, including:
    • Supporting the Government in developing strategic infrastructure like roads, bridges, schools, health clinics, etc.
    • Introducing decentralized participatory planning;
    • Supporting microfinance activities;
    • Initiating programs to improve local governance in rural districts.

The paper then outlines the successes and constraints of the program, such as:

  • Recognition and replication by the Government of Mozambique;
  • Introduction of innovations in the areas of integrated planning, training, capacity building, the use of local funds, etc;
  • Questionable legal status;
  • Capacity constraints.

The paper presents the following recommendations:

  • The allocation of substantive responsibilities at provincial and district levels;
  • The introduction of downward accountability mechanisms;
  • Adequate funding for district administrations;
  • The promotion of geographically equitable development, etc.

The paper also looks at:

  • The new policy environment in Mozambique;
  • Key challenges for the future.

It concludes with a list of partner organizations of UNCDF Mozambique.

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