
Credit Bureaus in Russia - An Outlook

Presentation at MFC's Krakow III Policy Forum on Law and Regulation, April 6-8, 2006, Warsaw, Poland
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This presentation discusses credit bureaus in Russia and their special role in microfinance. The presentation details:

  • The 'Law on Credit Histories' in Russia;
  • The general scheme of relationships that this law regulates;
  • The contents of a credit history;
  • The information on borrower obligations that each credit history contains.

The presentation then discusses:

  • The process of submitting data to the 'Bureau of Credit Histories (BCH);
  • The individual code of a credit history subject;
  • The BCH data storage and protection process;
  • The rights of credit history subjects;
  • Characteristics of the credit bureaus in Russia;
  • The prospects of BCH in Russia and the current model.

The presentation states that:

  • Microfinance institution (MFI) participation in credit bureaus is relevant in Russia because of the increase in demand for microfinance services, the lack of supply and the growth of the microfinance market;
  • MFIs are interested in cooperating with BCH because:
    • They could then discipline delinquent borrowers;
    • It would improve their image with the State and other institutions.

The presentation discusses:

  • The participation of the 'Russian Microfinance Center'(RMC) in debates over the 'Draft Law on Credit Histories';
  • RMC's cooperation with credit bureaus;
  • Problems faced by credit bureaus in microfinance.

The presentation concludes by providing information about pilot projects of MFI engagement with credit bureaus.

About this Publication

By Mamuta, M.