
Mongolia: The Microfinance Industry

The status of microfinance in Mongolia
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This paper discusses the microfinance industry in Mongolia. It describes the Mongolian economy and describes the performance of the financial sector:

  • Increase in percentage of performing loans reaching the private sector;
  • Reduction in non-performing loans;
  • Decline in return on assets and equity of banks in comparison to previous years;
  • Drop in real lending interest rates;
  • Presence of overbanking and overbranching in urban and periurban locations.

The paper presents the characteristics of the microfinance industry including:

  • Microfinance clients being primarily served by banks;
  • Banks that provide microfinance services enjoying high profitability and growth;
  • Micro-lending being mainly for urban areas and primarily for financing trade and consumption;
  • Non-bank financial institutions (NBFI) mushrooming - their share in lending is small;
  • Several microfinance institutions (MFIs) reaching subsidy independence in a short periods.

The paper describes the financial performance of two leading banks in microfinance including their:

  • Loan portfolio;
  • Interest income;
  • Deposits;
  • Profitability;
  • Products.

It makes recommendations for state and donors promoting the microfinance industry:

  • Establish a domestic rating agency;
  • Create a microfinance forum for operators in microfinance;
  • Campaign on the merits of savings and prevailing saving instruments;
  • Improve the legal, judiciary and enforcement systems to ensure creditors' safety and clients' rights.

The paper mentions two promising financial instruments:

  • Financial leasing;
  • Index based live stock insurance.

The paper concludes with lessons learnt from the international microfinance experience.

About this Publication

By Yaron, J., Sandagjav, N.