
Microfinance Against Malaria: Pan-African Malaria Conference Presentation

How can microfinance help prevent malaria in North Western Africa?
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This short presentation from Freedom from Hunger examines the efforts of multiple partners to increase the effectiveness of malaria prevention and treatment initiatives by leveraging the social networks created by microfinance institutions.The joint project seeks to develop and disseminate a malaria curriculum reaching 500,000 community members in the first 3 years. The document discusses Freedom from Hunger's microfinance with education initiative, and the ways in which MFIs benefit from participating in the malaria program.

The presentation discusses:

  • The various partners and their roles in the project, including Freedom from Hunger, GlaxoSmithKline, and the 5 Credit Union Federations and 10 Rural Banks taking part;
  • The benefits to the MFIs for participating in the project; including healthier clients who will:
    • Have higher capacities to earn greater incomes;
    • Have lower default rate;
    • Maintain repayment rates on loans.
  • The details of Freedom from Hunger's education program and the ways in which they are able to communicate important health issues quickly to groups of women;
  • A case study which explains how the project has been implemented in Ghana and the details of an impact study in that country to determine the benefits of the project.

About this Publication

By Bruegge, E.