
Lessons Learned and Identified Strategies that Enhance the Participation of HIV/AIDS Affected Households into Productive Market

Virtual information sessions and suitable business development services for HIV/AIDS affected people
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This paper discusses the lessons learned through a virtual information session about the participation of HIV/AIDS affected communities in productive markets. The paper discusses:

  • The objectives of the session, which was to determine the factors that make for a successful business development services (BDS) intervention that targets HIV/AIDS affected individuals;
  • The format of the session and the topics covered.

The paper lists the following lessons learned about HIV/AIDS affected individuals and households:

  • The kinds of enterprises they operate;
  • Micro enterprise development initiatives suitable for them;
  • Reaching them without exacerbating stigma or breaching sound enterprise development practices;
  • Capacity building to facilitate formal relationships between production clusters and suppliers in a value chain;
  • Employment initiatives of firms that employ HIV/AIDS people;
  • Market linkages between large firms and micro producers.

The paper concludes that:

  • Microfinance practitioners have addressed the problem of poverty in HIV/AIDS affected communities;
  • The virtual discussion has provided a platform to share ideas about innovative responses;
  • Successful participation requires timely interventions, at the level of the household, community, firm and government;
  • There is a need to:
    •  Connect HIV affected communities to productive markets;
    • Identify firms that can provide income growth for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) affected by HIV/AIDS;
    • Create an enabling legal environment that protects HIV/AIDS affected households.

About this Publication

By Morgan, M.