
Summary of Findings AMAP K&P Component B Stocktaking Exercise

Helping development project staff make the best use of tools
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This document presents details of a stocktaking exercise that examined the design and development of tools to be used by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) staff and other donors, with a focus on the inclusion of small and microenterprises.

The exercise involved interviews with USAID staff as well as other donors and contractors. It aimed to understand:

  • Manner in which staff and donors design private sector development programs;
  • Analysis that contributes to the design;
  • Demand for tools and guides to aid in the analysis and design process;
  • Inclusion of micro and small enterprises in the projects.

The document recommends production of a web-based and fold-out graphic visual guide about the type and use of tools. It also suggests training for USAID staff on the types of tools that can be used to guide design for projects that include micro and small enterprises.

About this Publication

By Nemec, L.