
ACCION Network Pro-Consumer Pledge

ACCION: Towards pro-consumer microfinance
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This document discusses the adoption of the pro-consumer pledge by the ACCION Network, a network of leading microfinance institutions (MFIs). The paper states that the pledge:

  • Sets out the principles of pro-consumer microfinance;
  • Defines principles to ensure that financial services benefit customers, while also ensuring that the legitimate needs of MFIs are met.

The paper explains the following principles of the pledge:

  • Quality of service;
  • Transparent pricing;
  • Fair pricing;
  • Avoiding over indebtedness;
  • Appropriate debt collection practices;
  • Privacy of customer information;
  • Ethical behavior of staff;
  • Feedback mechanisms;
  • Integrating pro-consumer policies into operations.

It states that by adopting the pledge, members of the network agree to:

  • Apply these principles in their own organizations;
  • Promote the application of these principles in MFIs in their countries;
  • Engage with regulatory authorities to promote effective, yet non-burdensome policies or rules;
  • Raise awareness in the global microfinance industry about the importance of pro-consumer principles.

The paper concludes that in some cases, collective action by the industry or by regulatory authorities may be required to enforce application of these principles.

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