
Towards Good Practice Principles for Microfinance in War-affected Contexts

Performance standards for MFIs in war-affected environments - A compilation of guidelines

This discussion document aims to contribute to debate among donors, non-government organizations (NGOs), microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance clients on a common standard for microfinance in war-affected contexts.

The paper states that:

  • In war-affected contexts, microfinance providers need to conform to international donor guidelines;
  • Following best practice principles can contribute to outreach and viability;
  • The conditions peculiar to war-affected contexts necessitate additional good practice standards.

The document sets out standards for MFIs, relating to:

  • Institutional strengths, such as:
    • Strong security systems;
    • Sustainable service delivery;
    • Investment in staff and client capacities;
    • A philosophy of independence;
    • Accurate management information systems (MIS);
    • Transparent financial reporting.
  • Quality of services, such as:
    • A strong repayment discipline;
    • An effective client targeting strategy;
    • Smaller loans with flexible repayments.
  • Outreach and financial performance, which include:
  • An appropriate pricing policy;
  • Sound portfolio quality;
  • Planned profitability;
  • Strong internal control systems.

The document also sets out standards for donors, relating to:

  • Appropriate uses of grants;
  • Appropriate uses of loans;
  • Commercial sourcing of funds;
  • Coherence of donor policies.

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