
Law on Development of Small Enterprises

A look at the law that governs small enterprises in Egypt
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This document presents the Egyptian law governing the activities of small enterprises. The document states that:

  • The provisions of the law shall apply to small and very small enterprises;
  • The Social Fund for Development (SFD) is the competent authority for developing these enterprises;
  • The Executive Regulations will determine the SFD system of operations and its fulfillment of duties;
  • The law will be published in the official Gazette with the State's seal.

The law covers:

  • The definition of small and very small enterprises;
  • The maximum amount of paid-up capital;
  • The activities of the SFD;
  • The activities of the units that the SFD will establish for the service of small enterprises. These activities include:
    • Entering into contracts with the owners of firms,
    • Issuing temporary licenses to owners,
    • Inspecting the firms, etc.

Further, the law discusses:

  • The funding of small and very small firms, identifying:
    • Possible sources of funds;
    • Opportunities to be included in the State's annual budget;
    • A system for the guarantee of credit risks.
  • Incentives and facilitations, such as:
    • Allocation of land;
    • The provision of public utilities;
    • Services by experts in the areas of investment opportunities, feasibility studies, purchase of machinery, risk assessment, etc.
    • Providing the know-how about the latest developments in production and marketing techniques.

The law concludes by discussing licenses, suspension of administrative activities, complaints, etc.

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