
Lessons from MicroSave's Action Research Programme (2002): Report

What has MicroSave learnt from its Action Research Programme with its partners?

This report documents the progress made under the Action Research Program during 2002. It presents:

  • MicroSave's package of services;
  • The lessons learned from MicroSave's Action Research Program;
  • Key questions that should precede starting new product development;
  • The selection of its action research partners;
  • An overview of results.

Further, the paper summarizes the key lessons learnt by MicroSave during 2002:

  • Focus on market-led microfinance;
  • Respond to clients' concerns to improve profitability;
  • Use focused market research to understand customer requirements;
  • Practice strategic marketing to improve corporate image and branding, customer service and delivery systems;
  • Develop a commitment to customer service;
  • Build a corporate brand to improve the institution's credibility;
  • Perform marketing audits;
  • Be proactive in risk analysis and management;
  • Adopt an institutional commitment to continuous improvement;
  • Learn from the formal financial sector;
  • Create and build a competent cross functional management team for rapid transformation;
  • Maximize the use of client data by mining;
  • Ensure product compatibility with existing technology before pilot testing;
  • Work financial projections to determine profitability of new product;
  • Operationalize product costing process;
  • Perform process analysis to improve efficiency;
  • Develop strategic collaborations to gain knowledge and to minimize risks;
  • Use a systematic approach to roll out financial products/services.

Finally, the paper presents the details of MicroSave's activities undertaken with each of its action research partners.

About this Publication

By Cracknell, D., Sempangi, H., Wright, G., Mutesasira, L., Mukwana, P., , McCord, M. J.