
Learning from Impact Assessments: Does Understanding Women's Perspectives Change MF Programmes

Differing perspectives of self help group and NGO-MFIs on microfinance programs
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This paper outlines experiences from studies on the impact of several large microfinance programs in India. It analyzes the impact not only in financial, but also in social and empowerment terms.

The paper highlights the differing perspectives of women and non-government organizations microfinance institutions (NGO-MFIs) on various aspects like:

  • Utilization of self help group (SHG) savings and NGO loan;
  • Disparity on the practices related to distribution of savings;
  • Differences in the repayment practices and on issues related to loans, record keeping and bank accounts;
  • Contradictory perspectives on the control over savings and the appropriation of the profits that arise from the utilization of these savings as loan.

The paper explores the reasons for the conflicts and suggests measures for improving these programs. These include:

  • Donors promoting more and more women-owned and women-managed MFIs;
  • Investing in capacity building of women;
  • Rethinking about the various forms of institutions.

The paper concludes by stating that if there is an inherent clash between people-owned people-managed organizations and the scale and efficiency, the former should be chosen.

About this Publication

By Premchander, S.