
Implementation of the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) and Draft Programme of Action for the International Year of Microcredit, 2005

United Nations General Assembly is planning for the International Year of Microcredit, 2005

In 1998, the United Nations, in an effort to highlight "the importance of microfinance instruments such as credit, savings and related business services in providing access to capital for people living in poverty", and address the glaring exclusivity of many financial systems, declared 2005 as the Year of Microcredit.

On October 23, 2003, the Second Committee of the General Assembly will discuss the draft programme of action for preparation for and observance of the Year. You may find a copy of the Secretary General's report on the Implementation of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) and draft programme of action for the International Year of Microcredit, 2005", as well as the original resolution for the Year, under the microfinance page of the UNCDF website at

The report synthesizes the goals and actions as recommended by Member States, UN Agencies and industry stakeholders.

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