
International Centre for Development and Research (CIDR-Uganda) Community Based Health Prepayment Programme, Luweero, Uganda - Notes from a Visit 24-25 June 2002

Low-income people dealing with health expenses and the choice between credit and insurance
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This paper reviews the ‘Community Based Health Prepayment Programme’ of the International Centre for Development and Research (CIDR) in Luweero, Uganda.

The paper states that:

  • In the CIDR program in Uganda, members choose between an insurance-based and a credit-based option for financing health care;
  • The objective is that members have full ownership of the product;
  • The members technically design the products but CIDR provides a basic product guideline;
  • CIDR associations offer one of two health care financing options: a mutual insurance product and a health credit product;
  • The insurance option requires members to pay a set premium annually to receive care that the association has paid for;
  • The credit option requires a single capitalization payment upon commencing membership and subsequent annual payments to cover the operating costs of the association.

It discusses the following aspects of the program: health promotion, institutional structure, operations, accounting, marketing, likelihood of sustainability, management and governance, partnerships and levels of member satisfaction with the product, risk management, incentives.

The paper concludes that:

  • The migration of member groups from the insurance-based to the credit-based system offers important lessons to microfinance institutions (MFIs) considering the value of emergency credit to their clients;
  • The assessment of the unlikelihood of members being able to manage their own program, the core of the mutual approach, provides an interesting insight into the mutual model.

About this Publication

By McCord, M. , Osinde, S.