
Development Best Practices in Credit Union Supervision: Examination Process -Asset, Liability Management Review

An operational guide for an asset liability management review in a credit union
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The paper presents the significance of an Asset Liability Management (ALM) review in a credit union and the operational guidelines to conduct the review.It illustrates how the review process would help the union to:

  • Maintain reasonable profitability;
  • Minimize interest rate risk;
  • Provide adequate liquidity.

The paper proposes the following steps for the review process:

  • Step 1: Review the union's ALM policy document;
  • Step 2: Perform ALM qualitative analysis:
    • Focus on exposure of the union to market changes and the management's awareness, ability and willingness to make adjustments.
  • Step 3: Perform ALM quantitative analysis:
    • Focus on ratios and trends that judge the ALM position of the union.
  • Step 4: Perform GAP analysis:
    • Analyze the match between Rate Sensitive Assets (RSAs) and Rate Sensitive Liabilities (RSLs);
    • Consider opportunities for re-pricing assets and liabilities that could be reinvested.

Finally, the paper also discusses the:

  • Limitations of the GAP analysis;
  • Questions to assess the quality of the GAP analysis report;
  • Signs of warning that indicate potential problems;
  • Responsibilities of the examiner in reporting the identified ALM deficiencies.

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