
Microfinance and Poverty Eradication: Strengthening Africa's Microfinance Institutions

How can microfinance help eradicate poverty in Africa?
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This study highlights the potential of microfinance towards poverty eradication in Africa. It brings together eighty-five fact sheets on microfinance initiatives. There are three types of fact sheets:

  • The majority are examples of microfinance institutions (MFIs) and programs in Africa. They explain what is actually working in the African context;
  • The next category summarizes MFIs from non-African countries that offer lessons transferable to the African context;
  • The remaining summarize MFIs and programs from international organizations, providing a sampling of the way the global community works with and supports African microfinance.

The paper lists key benefits of microfinance for poverty eradication in Africa:

  • Material benefits: Economic security, improved standard of living. Savings and credit services to help people start their own businesses, providing income and generating employment;
  • Community benefits: Microfinance initiatives can be scaled-up with sustainable contributions towards community development;
  • Non-material benefits: Individually and collectively empowering people, especially women.

The paper recommends strategies for microfinance initiatives in Africa. Some of them are:

  • Build upon traditional financial schemes;
  • Strive for flexibility and innovation;
  • Charge interest rates that cover operational costs;
  • Stress participatory approaches;
  • Target women;
  • Utilize group solidarity;
  • Transform public structures;
  • Develop standards and assessment tools.

About this Publication

By Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa