
Turkey: Regulation on the Establishment and Operations of Banks

How to establish and operate banks in Turkey?
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This document is the regulation issued by Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) laying down the rules and procedures relating to the establishment and operations of banks in Turkey.

The document is divided into chapters and articulates the following provisions of the regulations; these include the:

  • Criteria under which permissions for the establishment and operation of banks in Turkey can be granted;
  • Stipulations that are required for opening representative branches abroad and for forming partnerships with other banks operating in Turkey;
  • Process by which indirect ownership of shares in the capital of banks can be established and the processes that are to be followed to receive permission to transfer bank shares;
  • Kinds of notifications that are to be given to BRSA while making recruitments for the heads of these bank branches;
  • Rates at which exposure limits can be calculated for non-monetary loans, forward transactions, option contracts and other similar contracts;
  • Directions about forming a credit committee to extend credit.

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