
Crisis in Bolivian Microfinance

Reasons for the Bolivian microfinance crisis

This paper explores the reasons for the downfall of the once-flourishing Bolivian microfinance industry and suggests ways in which microfinance could learn from this experience.

Author lists the following reasons for the crisis in Bolivian microfinance:

  • Competition with consumer lenders;
  • Crisis of 1999 - 2000, in which clients started borrowing more than they could handle. They also started using the proceeds of one loan to pay off another;
  • Debtors' revolt, which was organized by "professional" union organizers who gathered borrowers into debtors' associations to protest against consumer and microfinance lenders.

The paper concludes with the recommendation that microfinance lenders should:

  • Rethink the public image of microfinance and the values it represents;
  • Address the principal issues about micro lending, which are high interest rates and the consequences of default.

About this Publication

By Rhyne, E.