
Microfinance and HIV/Aids: It's Time to Talk

How can you mitigate social and economic impacts of HIV?

This paper states that the impact of HIV/AIDS is an emerging issue for microfinance institutions (MFIs), their clients and for the econmic welfare of both. It sees that innovations are vital and suggests:

  • Developing new products and services - MFIs should examine what clients are doing to cope economically and help them improve on their strategies;
  • Watching the bottom line - finding cost-effective methods to innovate while protecting operational integrity;
  • Fostering strategic alliances with HIV/AIDS organizations - mitigating the social impact of HIV/AIDS may help MFI clients to remain good clients.

States that social impact is an HIV/AIDS organisation's mandate- not an MFI's and practitioners from the two industries must start talking to each other.

About this Publication

By Donahue, J.