
Compiling and Understanding the Flow of Funds in Developing Countries

Uses and analysis of Flow of Funds
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This document highlights the benefits of flow of funds analysis, especially for the developing nations as compared to developed nations, and the kind of information these flows provide regarding the economic policy of the respective countries.

The document also discusses the following:

  • The role of savings in developing nation;
  • Internationally comparable funds flow model;
  • Various contents of the model;
  • Constraints associated with the model;
  • Application of model for using IMF data.

The document provides a sample study of the applicability of the model and flow of funds estimates for the following countries:

  • India;
  • Bangladesh;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Kenya;
  • Tanzania;
  • Zambia.

The document concludes by stating that although preparing any such detailed funds flow table for analysis is not a difficult task, the major problem for developing countries lies in the non-availability of data that can be used for such purposes.

About this Publication

By Green, C., Murinde, V., Suppakitjarak, J., Moore, T.