
Rule Book on the Contents and the Manner of Keeping the Register of the Microcredit Organizations

How to maintain a microcredit organization's register?
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This document provides the guidelines for keeping the register of microcredit organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The document is divided in ten sections:The first four sections deal with:

  • Basic provisions associated with the application;
  • Description of the register and guidelines to handle it;
  • Ways to make a request for entry into the microcredit organization register;
  • Documents required;
  • Application to change report in the register.

Sections 5 and 6 highlight:

  • Termination of entry in the register;
  • Keeping the collection of documents.

The remaining sections discuss:

  • Keeping of registry, insight into register and collection of documents;
  • Issue of excerpts from the register;
  • Process of filling the application form.