
Necessity as the Mother of Invention: How Poor People Protect Themselves Against Risk

How do poor protect themselves against risks?

The paper states that poor people face a wide spectrum of risks and use a wide spectrum of insurance systems to address those risks. It presents the results of MicroSave-Africa's work to date and examines the risks facing the poor and how they use a wide variety of mechanisms to protect themselves against those risks.

The paper emphasises on the preventive measures rather than the responses and draws on a wide variety of qualitative research tools to understand the complexities of poor people's lives. Over 2,500 poor people were interviewed using Focus Group Discussions, in-depth individual interviews and PRA tools including wealth ranking, life-cycle analysis, time series analysis, financial services matrixes, venn/chapati diagrams and seasonality analysis.

Concludes that the vast majority of the insurance mechanisms used by poor people are informal in nature. There is however, a growing interest in, and effort to provide, semi formal sector insurance mechanisms and, in some cases, efforts are being made to link MFI clients to formal sector insurance companies.

About this Publication

By Wright, G. A. N.