
The Lessons and Potential for Sustainability and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions in Papua New Guinea and Other Pacific Island Countries

Challenges for promoting sustainable microfinance in Papua New Guinea and Pacific Island Countries
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This paper discusses the challenge of providing microfinancial services to a significant proportion of poor in the Pacific Island region:

  • Papua New Guinea's (PNG's) approximately four million low income population;
  • Other Pacific Island Countries' (PICs') two million low income population.

The author states that there are five major constraints on the implementation of microfinance programs in this region:

  • High cost of accessibility because of inadequate infrastructure;
  • Cultural limitations on the participation of women;
  • Direct government involvement leading to unhealthy practices;
  • Need for capacity building and appropriate training;
  • Pressure to expand too soon leading to a neglect of prudent planning.

Finally, the author suggests that the creation of a forum which can promote a training and research centre, major conferences and workshops could ensure continuous dialogue and exposure, and boost microfinance in the region.

About this Publication

By Bablis, F. G.