
Regulation No. 1999/22 on the Registration and Operation of Non-Governmental Organizations in Kosovo

Regulating the formation and operation of domestic and international NGOs in Kosovo
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This regulation governs the founding, registration, activities and dissolution of legal persons organized as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Kosovo. The regulation prohibits NGOs from distributing profits or earnings.

The regulation lays out the following requirements for domestic NGOs:

  • Definition of NGOs, foundations and associations;
  • Procedures for membership and governance of associations and foundations;
  • Information on funding instruments for NGOs;
  • Procedure for change with respect to documents submitted for registration;
  • Grounds for denying registration;
  • Legal status upon registration;
  • Tax and financial benefits.

The regulation also lists the following:

  • Definition of foreign and international NGOs;
  • The modalities and required information for registration in order to operate in Kosovo;
  • The provisions of the regulation that apply to them.

The document defines public benefit activities and the organizational requirements in order to apply for, and retain, public benefit status.

The regulation came into force on 15th November, 1999.

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