
Law of the Azerbaijan Republic About the National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic 1996

The roles and responsibilities of the National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic
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This document presents the law that regulates the National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic. The general provisions of the law state that the National Bank represents the state property and is a legal entity.

The document covers the following aspects of the bank:

  • Functions with regard to monetary policies and the banking system;
  • Its aims and basic functions;
  • Relations with the central banks of other countries, international finance-crediting organizations;
  • Financial structure and profit distribution guidelines;
  • Organizational structure, roles and responsibilities of the governing and management body;
  • Its role in the monetary and credit regulation, and management of international reserves;
  • Relations with credit organizations and state bodies;
  • Normative and regulatory functions;
  • Accounting, auditing and reporting obligations;
  • Information collection and sharing privileges;
  • Prohibited activities for the Naitonal Bank and its officials.

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