
Introduction of CICETE/UNDP Microfinance Programme

Participatory, integrated and sustainable development approaches for poverty alleviation in China
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This paper provides an overview of the "Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development Program" in China that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) initiated.

Following are the program details:

  • Development objective: to demonstrate participatory, integrated and sustainable development approaches for poverty alleviation in China;
  • Strategy: to support the implementation of the "National Poverty Alleviation Programme" through:
    • County-based demonstration projects that display innovative ways of PA;
    • Capacity-building at national and local levels that include training, study tours and workshops for PA officials, managers, community workers and farmers groups;
    • Policy support to help improve the Government's poverty alleviation policy and program.
  • Main program components:
    • Community participation;
    • Microfinance;
    • Sustainable agriculture and resource management;
    • Social services;
    • Capacity building.
  • Program expansion: The success of the program in Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet in 1984 inspired its expansion on a larger scale in 48 counties of 16 provinces and autonomous regions as well as 4 districts in Tianjin City.

The paper also discusses:

  • The common vision and strategy of the microfinance program;
  • The unified management system that UNDP set-up;
  • The main achievements of the program;
  • Future arrangements.

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