
Assessing the Impacts of Microenterprise Interventions: A Framework for Analysis

Examining the impact of different intervention strategies on the household

This paper presents a preliminary framework for evaluating how microenterprise interventions contribute to household security, enterprise stability and growth, individual well-being, and the economic development of communities. It recognizes a need for impact studies that are conceptually grounded, yet methodologically practical.

The framework permits the analysis of four intervention strategies:

  • Financial services;
  • Social intermediation which helps marginalized clients connect to more formal financial institutions through village banking, solidarity groups, and other organizational forms;
  • Economic policy, regulatory reforms, or other subsector interventions;
  • Technical and management assistance such as training and business advisory services.

The study concludes that this preliminary framework is intended to raise issues, establish parameters, and identify key impact variables to guide USAID and its partners in designing future impact assessments. It is not a final work, but a first step in setting forth a broader approach for evaluating the impacts of microenterprise interventions.

About this Publication

By Sebstad, J., Neill, C., Barnes, C., Chen, G.