
Financial Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Study

How can financial systems be improved?

This paper compares eleven financial systems of sub-Saharan Africa over the 1980s and early 1990s in terms of:

  • Their performance in monetary management;
  • The performance of their banking sectors, the spread of financial distress, and the different methods of financial restructuring used to address this problem;
  • Processes of financial deepening and diversification, and assesses the prospects for further financial development;
  • The role of informal and semiformal financial mechanisms and institutions.

It recommends that:

  • The macro-financial framework has to remain steady;
  • The monetary management has to be improved;
  • Legal, regulatory and prudential frameworks have to be reformed;
  • The supervision has to be strengthened;
  • Property rights and contract laws have to be effectively enforced;
  • Financial competition has to be increased.

Some sub-Saharan countries have already implemented such policy measures and have successfully reformed their financial system.

About this Publication

By Popiel, P.