Displaying 381 - 390 of 432

Trends in Venture Capital Finance in Developing Countries

An empirical study on venture capital financing in developing countries

Designing Rules for Demand-Driven Rural Investment Funds: The Latin American Experience

What new mechanisms can be used to decentralise funding to local government level?

Does Microfinance Really Help The Poor? New Evidence from Flagship Programs in Bangladesh

Do microfinance programmes make a difference?

A Framework for World Bank Group Support for Development of Micro, Small Enterprise, and Rural Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Strategies to increase access to financial services to small enterprises and low income households

Are the Poor Less Well Insured? Evidence on Vulnerability to Income Risk in Rural China

To what extent do income shocks impact the current consumption of poor individuals?

Banking on the Poor? Branch Placement and Non-Farm Rural Development in Bangladesh

Do potential gains in non-farm rural development sector affect branch placement?

Rural Finance: Issues, Design, and Best Practices

Rural finance: The past, the present and the future

A Commercial Bank's Microfinance Program: The Case of Hatton National Bank in Sri Lanka

Examining Hatton National Bank's microfinance program
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Sustainability for Credit Programs: A Travel Survival Guide

The microfinance guide and travel diary