Displaying 411 - 420 of 444
Case Study

Proposed Small and Microenterprise Program Activities for USAID in Hungary: The GEORGETTE Project

Helping small and medium enterprises in Hungary

USAID Microenterprise Development Office: Services and Activities

Implementing USAID's microenterprise initiative (MI)

The USAID Microenterprise Initiative in Sri Lanka

Surveying the SME sector in Sri Lanka

Assessing the Impacts of Microenterprise Interventions: A Framework for Analysis

Examining the impact of different intervention strategies on the household

Stimulating the Growth and Development of Small and Medium Size Enterprises through Financial Sector Policy Reform in Poland

What specific measures can be taken to enable small and medium sized enterprises to develop?

Morocco Microenterprise Finance Concept Paper

Designing an appropriate microfinance model for Morocco

Non-Financial Assistance to Microentrepreneurs

How can business development services be delivered?

Principles of Financially Viable Lending To Poor Entrepreneurs

Identifying program design features to ensure sustainable credit provision for poor entrepreneurs

Financial Services and Environmental Health: Household Credit for Water and Sanitation

Examining the role of microfinance in water supply and sanitation