Displaying 161 - 170 of 517

How Can BC-MFIs Tap Household Savings?

Developing MFIs as savings service providers

District Readiness Assessment (DRA) Tool: Expediting G2P Payments

Discussing a tool to address the gaps in government to person payments in India

Business Correspondents Model in Bihar: Constraints and Way Forward

Discussing the efficiency and future potential of the banking correspondent model in Bihar, India

Behavioral Insights in Insurance

Applying behavioral economics in insurance to analyze user preference

The Essential Ingredients of an Effective Financial Education Programme

Designing an effective financial education program

Financing WASH: Key Considerations for MFIs

Studying water, sanitation, and hygiene financing for MFIs to lead the service uptake

Don't Throw the Baby Out with Bathwater! Is Aadhaar the Reason for Failure of Direct Benefit Transfer Pilots?

Highlighting the implementation challenges of the Aadhaar unique identification scheme
Guide / Toolkit

Resource Book on Designing and Delivering Agriculture Financing Products

Providing guidelines to develop efficient agriculture financing products
Guide / Toolkit

Introduction to Opportunities in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Finance (Toolkit 1)

Information, principles, and practices for successful development of WASH financial products

Optimising Commissions and Payout Mechanism For G2P Payments Under Electronic and Direct Benefit Transfer

Analyzing the financial state of Government to Person (G2P) payment service providers