Displaying 101 - 110 of 517

How Ecosystem Issues Fail Rural Financial Institutions to Promote Digital Financial Services

Observations from MFIs in Tanzania

Distribution 2.0: The Future of Mobile Money Agent Distribution Networks

How can providers better leverage agent networks to further expand their reach?

Smart Meters to Enhance Access to Water Services in Rural Africa

Addressing the three important challenges that limit the provision of basic utilities to the poor

Microfinance for Water and Sanitation: Opportunities and Challenges for MFIs

A case for household investments for WASH financing

Water and Sanitation in Dhaka’s Low-Income Settlements, Bangladesh

How low-income families pay for water and sanitation services

Indonesian Financial Inclusion – Too Slow by Half!

Mapping financial inclusion in the country and analyzing factors behind spatial disparity
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Leveraging Technology for Meaningful Financial Inclusion in Asia

What opportunities does fintech present for potential providers and customers?

Understanding Demand for Financial Products Among Young Women in Central Java

In this publication, as part of its Low-Income Lives series, MicroSave highlights the results from its research on the perceptions around existing financial products and the need for new ones among the Central Java’s rural youth.


Low-Income Lives: Education

Analyzing the flow of money spent on schooling in Bangladeshi households