Displaying 111 - 120 of 126
Case Study

Financiera Trisan: An Agricultural Credit Card Innovator

Has the Credit Card program been successful in Costa Rica?

The Latin American Microfinance Industry: How does it Measure Up?

Benchmark indicators for the Latin microfinance sector

Increasing Indebtedness, Institutional Change and Credit Contracts In Peru

What stimulated credit in Peru and what are the range of responses?

Rural Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Challenge of Getting Both Policies and Institutions Right

Towards improving rural financial intermediation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Information Sharing in Credit Markets: International Evidence

Are public credit registers appropriate?
Case Study

Institutional Arrangements to Ensure Willingness to Repay in Financial Markets: A Case Study of Paraguay

Examining legal enforcement on credit markets in Paraguay

Rural Poverty in Latin America

Why is rural Latin America poor?

The Role of Microfinance for Income and Consumption Smoothing

Can Microfinance help smoothen cashflows for households?
Case Study

Lessons in Microfinance Downscaling: The Case of Banco De La Empresa, S.A.

How can commercial banks enter the microfinance market?